Conversations that go deep on the environment, the climate crisis, and the solutions
July 23, 2020
The greatest fish tale ever told.
As a young law professor, Zyg and a ragtag army of law students took on all three branches of the federal government and every corporate interest in the country that drinks from the public trough. Their famous battle to save the Little Tennessee River and the livelihoods of small farmers with an Endangered Species Act lawsuit is an utterly epic tale full of twists and turns.
Zyg offers timely insights and inspiration for environmental activists today fighting the government and entrenched corporate interests.
““The canaries in the coal mine are telling us how we better handle the planet in a better way, because we’re destroying it not only for those species but the humans who are going to rely upon the planet for sustenance over time.””
Connect with Zyg: BC Law Faculty Page | Linkedin | Twitter
Book: The Snail Darter and the Dam: a very small endangered fish's travels through the corridors of American power
Snail Darter Case: BC Archives
Supreme Court TVA vs. Hill Oral Arguments: Audio | Transcript
Supreme Court Decision: Announcement
TEDxBeaconStreet: Little Fish Bites Dam!- "Most Extreme" Eco-Activist Case Ever?
Endangered Species Law & Policy: Calling on The "God Squad"
UN Species Extinction Report: National Geographic Article | IPBES Media Release
Lawsuits against Trump Administration rules that weaken the ESA: Earth Justice's Lawsuit | Earth Justice's Legal Complaint | Lawsuit Against Trump-Bernhardt’s Extinction Plan
Take Action: Center for Biological Diversity | Defenders of Wildlife | EarthJustice: Environmental Law | Environment America Campaign | National Wildlife Federation Action Page
Endangered Species Law & Policy: Calling on The "God Squad"
UN Species Extinction Report: National Geographic Article | IPBES Media Release
Lawsuits against Trump Administration rules that weaken the ESA: Earth Justice's Lawsuit | Earth Justice's Legal Complaint | Lawsuit Against Trump-Bernhardt’s Extinction Plan
Take Action: Center for Biological Diversity | Defenders of Wildlife | EarthJustice: Environmental Law | Environment America Campaign | National Wildlife Federation Action Page